How to Enjoy Every Second

If ever there was a time to cherish, it’s now.

Lori Noel
2 min readDec 16, 2020

It’s time to let go of the things holding you back from cherishing moments for all they’re worth. This is the only way we can truly feel alive. There simply isn’t time to waste worrying about the size of our stomachs or thighs. There. Isn’t. Time.

There is time, but not enough to waste the moments and opportunities to laugh with your belly and love with your whole body.

It can be hard to see the big picture. We get caught up in the details of life and days. The grand idea of our lives seems a distant concept, something we will get to later. We spend years waiting for the big picture to reveal itself. Here’s the kicker: It never does. We are made up of the details, the moments, the hurried kisses, and first sips of coffee.

Life is little seconds and decades all at once. All we can do is try not to miss it.

Some days it feels like there’s always something better beyond the walls of your own little universe. It may seem like the fire escape across the alley is a better place to be. But if we allow ourselves to focus on the space that we do have — the balcony just big enough for a BBQ, a few chairs and hanging plants, and space for friends and quiet dinners — we can appreciate those little things available to us in the now.

There will be more in the later. But there is NEVER time to worry about that. The moment we start to worry that we won’t have enough in the future — we will never have enough in the present because we will never feel fulfilled. Good things will come in the future but we will only really enjoy them with our whole heart if we are able to let go of attachment for longing for those things before they happen.

It can be much easier to scroll through social and see others who have more and feel jealousy seep in. The grass is always greener — if we let it be. The fire escape is enough — if we remember that there are those without and that what we have is more than enough. Be grateful for where you’re at; enjoy the days without longing for the next.



Lori Noel

Historian / Author— Owner of Labee Writing — Feminism, Culture & Society — Tips for Building your Best Life — IG @lorilabee — Twitter @lorinoelwriter